I need to write it down for a balance. I'm taking five courses this semester plus an OPRA Outdoor Sampler class. Among them, three stands out as my main targets: International Monetary Economics, World Politics and German. Intro to MacroEcon is background course that assists my understanding of International Monetary Econ. Structure of Randomness fulfills all my requirement to finish Div I, and this is a really fun and cool course. I like Prof. Hoffman a lot, too.
So as you can see, all these courses is under one guideline: understanding the real function of the world. World Politics give me understanding of the mainstream political debates that shapes the world international relations. International Monetary Econ tells me the working of international coordination through monetary means. German is a natural extension after one year exchange in Germany, a country fascinates me a lot. And Randomness gives me a fun and brand-new perspective in understanding my chances.
All of the are great! I'm very excited about all my course. But at the same time, I have also spread my focus pretty wide. I need to prioritize.
Besides academics, I'm also working on FiCom, which is fun. I'm working for Spiritual Life, which is refreshing. I'm working on China, too. I mean I launch my student group "Hampshire Confucius", and I will have workshops, I will work on 2010 World Expo. These are time consuming, too.
Do more, try harder, when we are still young.
"Do more, try harder, when we are still young. "
OPRA is.....?
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