Journey to the East

(New, dedicated website for Journey to the East: www.JourneyE.orgAll pilgrimage-related updates will be posted on the new website. This website ( will remain active as my personal website.)

Starting in early 2016, I will embark on a pilgrimage, bicycling solo, from San Francisco Bay Area, heading eastward, via continental USA and Eurasia, back to China (and perhaps onward). 

Below is an overview (a constant work-in-progress) of this "Journey to the East" -- a pilgrimage around the globe to explore and amplify the ecological and spiritual awakening of our time.


- To cultivate peace and service inside and out
- To explore and amplify the ecological and spiritual awakening of our time
- To engage the young generation, especially in China, in working toward a life-affirming civilization


- Ecological and spiritual awakening in the 21st century
- China in the world: the cultural landscape and the political economy of the global village, through the lens of China's inter-connected-ness with the world


1. No killing
2. No stealing
3. No sexual activities
4. No intoxicants
5. No meat-eating
6. No commercialization

Here are more details and thinking behind these vows. And here is more intention-setting on Gift Ecology and financial transparency.


- Pedal. Breath. 
- Meditate for at least one hour daily. 
- Listen to/read books of spiritual, literary, cultural and current significance
- Engage locally with people and groups I meet; practice small acts of service daily
- Share globally (online) the learnings from the road via various forms of media: blog, photos, interviews (podcast), videos


- Start in California, bike across Southern US, boat across the Atlantic to Western Europe, and bike across Eurasia to China
- String together ancient pilgrimage routes, holy sites, culturally significant places, such as the Camino de Santiago, Athens, Istanbul, Mecca, Tehran, Jerusalem, Bodh Gaya, Tibet, etc.
- Trace the ancient Silk Road, and China's current-day Silk Road Economic Belt


- Depart from California in Early 2016 (Feb/Mar)
- The pilgrimage would likely take 2-3 years; open to emergence


- In-person encounters with strangers, families, churches, schools, and other groups
- Chinese readers, especially my peers, the young, digital-native generation
- English readers around the world, especially seekers of all kinds, and those who are interested in the environment, spirituality, China, world affairs, inner transformation, and service

Online Presence

For now, this website ( will be home to the digital media related to the pilgrimage. All related blog posts are tagged "Journey to the East" for ease of reference. Soon, there will be additional portals and means of sharing :)

Thoughts and suggestions are most welcome and appreciated! Deep bow in gratitude.


Earl said...

Good LUCK my friend!

Joseph Steig said...

BEST of luck. Can't wait to read your exploits!

Rev. Heng Sure said...

加油! The entire journey begins and ends in your mind! That road never ends! Sending you strength and patience to continue until it's done!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Palzom Pradhan said...

This is so amazing! Eagerly looking forward to your posts. Come to Nepal too! How can you not pay homage to the Himalayas - the cradle of spirituality and Asia's water towers!