Weihnachten und Fruhlingsfest
In diesen Jahren wirt in den grosen staeten in China auch weihnachten gefeirt obwohl die menschen keine christen sind. Menschen haben groses interese an westliche kultur. Jeden dezember, sehen wir chinesiche weihnachtsmanner durch die strassen laufen und in allen supermarkte werden die weihnachts lieder gespielt. Einzelhaendler lieben weihnachten. Es ist sehr schade fur sie dass es nur einen jesus gibt und nur einmal weinachten im jahr.
das frulingfest ist das wichtigeste und traditionaleste in China. Es ist nomaleweise in Januar oder in februar. Es dauert vom letzten tag des mont calanders bis zum funfuzenten tag im neue jahre. Jeder tag hat ein besondere bedeutung. So ist der 5th tag dem God des Reichtums gewidmet. Gleichzeitig ist das auch der geburtztag meine Oma.
Fruhlingfest stamt als eine antiken sage. Jeden winter kamm ein monster namens Nian und frass alles sogar menchen kinder. Dann hat mann heraus gefunden, dass Nian angest fur rote farbe und laerm hat. (der weihnachtsman ist auch rot). Und jedes Jahre wann Nian kommt, werde hauser und wohnongen in rot farbe decoriert und feuerwerk angezuendet um Nian zu vertreiben. Seite dem steht Nian fur das wort Jahr. Und ein jahr ist ein Nian, Daher heist das frulingsfest fest vertreibung des Nian (monster und jahr). Es ist sehr interesant dass weihnachten die ankunft von Jesus ist, dass fruingsfest die vertreibung der teufel.
Weihnachts tradition kommt aus der christliches religion, frulingfest aber wirt aus respect zu nature gefeirt. Menschen in China folgen dem ruetmus der Jahreszeiten und folgen den gesaezten von Yin und Yang. Frulingsfest bedeutet auch das der winter vorbei ist und der fruling kommt wann Yang grosse wird wie in der nature und Yin wird kleiner. Beider fest bringing aber gluck und neue hoffnung zu dem menschen. Beider feste weihnachten und das frulingsfest sind in winter. Und ich denke das der grund dafuer ist das menschen winiger arbeit haben und meistens zu hause bleiben muessen. Naturlich wollen die menschen etwas freude und spass haben nach einem jahr swerer arbeit und guter ernte.
Die menschen beten auch zu God wahrend des frulingsfestes. Aber es gibt viel zu viele goeter in China. Got der koeche, got der Bäume, got der regen. Deswegen kann jede seine eingenen god finden den er braucht und zu dem er betet. Vieleicht gibt es einen got der hausaufgabe oder Abitur.
Heute ist das frulingfest die zeit wo alle familien zusamen kommen. Das alte jahr verabshieden und das neue jahr willkommen heisen. Zum frulingsfes gibt es maerkte in Jede statt wie auch weihnachtsmarkt in Deutschland. (Es gibt naturlich mehr leute in fruhlingfest markt.) Die leute kaufen und essen viel, meistens zu viel.
Am leztzen abend des Jahres sitzen drei oder vier generationen am tisch und essen zusammen und warten bis mittenacht. Die jounen beglueckwuenchen die elteren. Die kinder bekommen geld in rotten packchen die glueck bedeuten. Viele Junge leute versenden die geleiche SMS an alle freunde weil es billiger und einfacher ist. Nomalaweise ist der inhalt der SMS lustig und kritisch uber die gesellschaft.
Mein spezialitat ist das feuerwerk. Um mittenacht wird in der ganzen stat stunden lang das feuerwerk gezuendet. Und schlafen ist nicht moeglich. Wenn man am nexten morgan aus dem fenster shauent, seht man nicht wegen dem rauch der millionen feuerwerk koerper. Am 5th tag des neuejahres gibt es noch mehr feurwerks um dem got des reichtums zu begruesen. Ich denke das der got sehr unglucklich ist weil es sieht das die menschen das geld wegen der vielen feuerwerks koerpen vershwenden.
A Chinese Joke
Once upon a time, there an old man selling anti-flee drugs on the street. He said his drug kills all the flees, and if it doesn’t work, he will give the money back.
A man bought the drug and went home. Days later, he came back angrily to the old man and said the drug doesn’t work at all and the flees are still flourishing.
The old man said lazily: “It is because you are not using my drug correctly.”
“Then what’s the correct way?”
“You should open the mouth of the flee and feed it a small spoon of my drug.”
The young man was furious and said, “If I have already catch the flee, why can’t I simply squash it?”
“I didn’t say you can’t do that.”, said the old man.
I'm back
Life here in Altenburg is indeed very interesting and enjoyable. The only problem is getting up at 7:00 am every morning.
I will write more. There's so much to write about. Today it snowed. We were having social science, and it suddenly turned dark outside and began to snow. It was like a surprise, a little gift before this three-day-long weekend.
OK, Schönes Wochenende (which means "nice weekend" in German)
Double Ninth Festival 重阳节
Today is the traditional Chinese “Double Ninth Festival”, which has been celebrated since A.D 25. Nine is the Yang number according to the Chinese Yin-Yang philosophy; the ninth day of the ninth lunar month (or double nine) is certainly a special day in the year. It is customary to climb a high mountain, drink chrysanthemum wine, and wear the Zhuyu plant as celebration. (Both chrysanthemum and Zhuyu are very good Chinese medicine!) Today the holiday is a time for family reunion and also an opportunity to care for and appreciate the elderly.
This is an often-quoted poem about the holiday:
In English means :
As a lonely traveler in a foreign land,
Every holiday the homesickness amplifies.
Seems quite suitable for me, ha. But I don’t really feel homesick these days. Maybe I am too concerned with my future and dreams. There seems no need or time to look back or to feel homesick. There is a magic force driving me.What I'm doing is only not to make myself regret.
yesterday's jogging & National Day
No, it should not be that only the professional athletes are doing huge amount of practice to prove the strength of the nation while the rest just lie in couch and watch the live broadcast. Sports are good and essential for the future of the country. What if one day we need an army to defend our freedom but no one was strong enough to run 20 minutes without a break? What if one day, the lack of sport makes men and women so weak that they can't give birth? Report says the pollution and lack of sports are seriously influencing the quality of sperm. This is suicidal to a country, no matter how big a population we are having now.
Today is Oct, 2nd, and it's a good day because yesterday was Chinese national day and tomorrow is German national day. Both sides are having a good time, away from any school. Happy Birthday to you both!
2008 is a big year for China. From the Olympics to the successful Shen Zhou 7 space mission with a space walk. We have fought with the horrible snow storm early in Feb, and the catastrophy of Wenchuan Earthquake in May. Our nation is trying to find his way back to be a responsible and health China, and I'm proud to be a part of him. At the same time, I know about the unbelievable scandle of tainted milk powder, and hear criticts on the lip-syncing on the Olympics Opening. It's a long long way to go, and it's full of opportunities as well as crisis.
Today the world has become very sensitive to China's growth. It's a good thing to hear voices from new perspectives, but it can also generates emnities and misunderstandings. Everyone should be especially careful to keep this precious peace, relatively. China must play his role, and how I'd love to play my part well and beautifully, as a global citizen, for the wellfare of all.
2008 is also a big year for the whole world. The drastic financial crisis, Russia's unpredictable move, ect. This requires us to really view the world as a whole and adopt the global citizenship, not the narrow nationalist one. Actually, we have no choice. We can't turn and go away because the world is too small. You will meet the problem at the next corner. That's why I'm applying for Macalester College in Minnisota, USA, despite its frezzingly cold weather. Mac has foresee this trend and has been doing a good job educating their students and providing them with a bonanza of opportunities. I hope to join them and give my performances and ideas, they will surely benifit from it.
Picking Nuts
But this is not my main point. I feel a little bit "renewed" by this picking nuts experience. Think of this: the trees absorbing just water and nutritions from the earth, grow such beautiful and various fruits every year and award them to any who would like to bend down to pick the fruits up, free of charge. How magnificent nature is! Breathe joyfully in the fresh air, kneeling down on the grass, kneeling down to the nature. When receiving this gift from the nature, I feel grateful and almost religious. I naturally want to "Thanks Giving". I "caress" the tree a while to thank him and left the easy-to-pick nut on the ground so the cute little kids from downstairs can also have fun.
This is a very rewarding experience, and I'm lucky to spend one year here in Germany staying closer to mother nature. And at the same time, I have a stronger desire to do something so that in the future, there's also a fruit tree for each Chinese family in the garden, and all Chinese kids can enjoy the gift from the nature and love our earth. If we love nature, appreciate its beauty and be grateful to its generosity, we won't damage the environment, pollute the water and extort our earth like what we are doing now!
three sentences on U.S. Election
Die Wahlen in der USA sind wie eine Feuerwerk. Beide verbrennen viel Geld und bringen Unterhaltung. Der einzige unterschied ist, dass das Feuerwerk niemanden verletzt, aber die Wahlen können den Rest der Welt schädigen.
And in English it means: the U.S. Election is like a firework show. They both burn a lot of money and bring entertainment. The only difference is that the firework show don't hurt anyone, but the U.S. Election will harm the rest of the world.
on the Opening
So, let's just start it!