Of all that I have
learned over the past two years, one of the most important is Gift Ecology.
Thus, a key intention of the upcoming pilgrimage (of
bicycling around the globe, hereafter referred to as "Pilgrimage") is
to deepen into the experiments of Gift Ecology.
Our dear friend and
teacher, Nipun, has courageously lived and thoroughly reflected on Gift
Ecology for decades. As a toddler on this path, I will just quote that Gift
Ecology is "a shift from consumption to contribution, transaction to
trust, scarcity to abundance, and isolation to community." Gift Ecology
recognizes that there are many
forms of "capital", beyond the familiar financial value.
Below, I would like
to follow a particular line of inquiry around "financial
transparency", within the vast and unfolding world of Gift Ecology, in
order the lay the foundation for further living that truth.